CMHA Champlain East is involved with a LHIN-wide project to serve transitional youth. This particular clientele are between the ages of 16 and 24 and have not successfully transitioned to adult services. We have received funding for the equivalent of one Intensive Case Manager to facilitate serving transitional youth. We are also partners in another transitional youth program that works regionally and is sponsored through the Cornwall Community Hospital and the Hawkesbury General Hospital.
CMHA Champlain East, working in partnership with Mental Health and Addictions programs at HGH and CCH are working on a cooperative venture known as the Integrated Assessment Record (IAR). This involves the sharing of data, specifically; client needs profiles as generated by the OCAN (Ontario Common Assessment of Need). When clients consent to participating in the project, partner agencies can exchange information on clinical profiles via as shared electronic record. This can hopefully reduce wait times for service and streamline collaboration between participating Mental Health and Addictions agencies.
In order to access Intensive Case Management Resources associated with the Youth in Transition funding, a client has to be between the ages of 16 to 24 and not yet involved with adult mental health services. Clients in that age range who have successfully transitioned to adult services would be served in the same manner as other adult case management clients.